The cooties did not leave. And neither did the snow. We spent another month mostly stuck at home. Sierra ended up with walking pneumonia (only one lung was affected) and had to go on a ten day dose of antibiotics. I hate having to give the kids antibiotics, but she definitely needed it. I took her in for a persistent cough expecting to hear "it's just a virus and will run it's course" but the Dr listened to her lungs looked at me and said, "I'm so glad you brought her in. She has pneumonia." Despite the other parts of me that seem broken, my mommy instinct is still functioning. Luckily one dose of antibiotics did the trick. Sometimes pneumonia can be tricky to get rid of.
When the kids were not fever or pneumonia ridden, we did spend some time playing in the snow. After a good amount of snow had fallen the temps dropped and we ended up with an ice encased snow field that lasted for weeks. It made for some good sledding..... unless you fell off and landed on the solid ice layer on top of the snow. The kids liked to ride down the hill on the sled with me so that I could be their pillow. It was comical for anyone watching, but did result in some bruising on my butt and legs. I'm ready for winter to be over. Have I mentioned that yet?
I did discover that despite being exhausted, a girls night with Sierra is some serious medicine. This was a facebook post I made after a night with my favorite girl. "The kids have been sick over and over and on top of that we've been snowed in day after day. I feel even more tired than normal, and crazier
Tonight Jesse is out of town for work and his mom sweetly offered to
keep Jaxon so Sierra and I had the whole afternoon/evening to ourselves.
To be honest I wasn't super excited about it because I knew she'd keep
me busy and I just want to rest. She did keep me busy. We played
games, drank sparkling water out of
fancy cups at dinner, did mud masks and painted toes, talked (well
mostly I listened without cutting her short or hurrying her along), and
we ate popcorn and watched Dolphin Tale before bed. I'm still tired,
but my spirit has been lifted. She doesn't get much alone time with me
anymore and she was walking on air. She is normally a joyful child but
she was so happy she could hardly contain herself. We all need days to
be doted on and validated. But giving that gift to someone else is
beautiful too. Now she's asleep on my pillow taking up all of my king
size bed, so hopefully my cheerful mood can last until the morning." Filling someone else's love cup up, in turn, fills up yours.
When the kids were not fever or pneumonia ridden, we did spend some time playing in the snow. After a good amount of snow had fallen the temps dropped and we ended up with an ice encased snow field that lasted for weeks. It made for some good sledding..... unless you fell off and landed on the solid ice layer on top of the snow. The kids liked to ride down the hill on the sled with me so that I could be their pillow. It was comical for anyone watching, but did result in some bruising on my butt and legs. I'm ready for winter to be over. Have I mentioned that yet?
I did discover that despite being exhausted, a girls night with Sierra is some serious medicine. This was a facebook post I made after a night with my favorite girl. "The kids have been sick over and over and on top of that we've been snowed in day after day. I feel even more tired than normal, and crazier

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