Saturday, April 3, 2010

7 Months

Sierra's first wedding experience.... 
 She usually makes quite a rucous before she falls asleep.  All the fit throwing makes for one tired baby! 
Grandpa Lee bought her a Sierra Beauty Apple Tree
She helped plant it
Our big girl stands up on absolutely everything!

No clothes=happy baby
Nap time!
Sierra's best bud

What a month it has been!  Sierra can now crawl like a big girl instead of creeping, she can pull herself up on anything and everything and let go for a few seconds without falling over.  She is learning more and more sounds.  She can say a few words: (well mommy and daddy understand them) kitty, baby, mama, and dada.  She has learned to point to things in real life and on the pages of her books.  She plays peek-a-boo and is sleeping through the night (PTL)!!!  She tends to wake up very early (usually 4am) but at least she is not waking every hour all night long.  She is a very good baby and it is a joy to see her personality emerge.  A few things she does not like: riding in the car, having her face washed off after dinner, and having her diaper changed.  She has learned what no means but still likes to see how much she can get away with.  She absolutely loves to be outside and squeals with delight at the neighbors horses.  She loves our cats and dog as well  They don't have quite the same undying devotion for her but I'm sure that will change as she gets older.  Well maybe:) 

Sierra had her upper GI and Stomach UltraSound this month.  She did extremely well for both tests.  She took the barium like it was no big deal.  In fact the Dr that did the test decided to taste the barium herself because Sierra took it so well.  She figured it must taste great for a baby to take it without a fuss.  She tasted it and said it was terrible and she just could not believe that Sierra handled it so well.  We were quite proud of our little trooper.  Even better yet the tests came back showing that there were no abnormalities in her upper system (they wanted to make sure there were no kinks, tumors, or narrowings).  She still struggles with the reflux and muscle control, but we are learning how to make her as comfortable as possible.  She's growing and changing so fast.  It's hard to believe that just 7 months ago we were welcoming her into the world, and already she has become such a mobile little girl!

Six Months Old

Sierra started sitting unsupported about a week before she was six months old
She loves being read to, she really has a fascination with books
She does a lot of creeping, and gets into the crawling stance, but mostly just does a lot of rocking
Uncle Kevin and Aunt Helen came to visit
Sierra had her first trip to the swimming pool.  She handled it so well!  She loves new experiences.
Her first time in her high chair
She started eating solids this month.  One of her favorites: sweet potato
Sitting up like such a big girl!  Sitting also comes hand in hand with squealing:)
She has become quite a little "helper"

After a very good fifth month, Sierra started having really bad bouts of tummy aches again.  We took her to the Dr and they did an X-ray of her stomach/intestines.  They found an irregular gas pattern and scheduled us for an appointment with a pediatric gastorenterologist at Doernbecher Children's Hospital in Portland.  After looking at her tests he determined that she has Acid Reflux, Infantile Dyskesia (early colon muscle control), and possibly a lactose intolerance.  He prescribed a medication to protect her esophogus from being damaged, a stool softener to keep her from holding her bm's, and also gave us a lot of other information on how to help with the reflux.  We are also scheduled to have some more testing done (upper GI and stomach ultrasound) just to make sure that there is not something more severe going on.   She's doing better already and we are praying that the test results show a completely normal upper GI system.