End of the year kinder field trip to the Newport Aquarium |
Jess took the day off and got to come too! |
We drove ourselves instead of riding on the bus. It was a very quiet ride home :) |
End of the year field day games. |
Last day of school. The kiddos used shaving cream to clean off their desks. |
It took all year for Sierra to master this. She's not a fan of heights but she kept trying! |
Sierra and her teacher. She was great! |
Garden deliciousness! |
Candy land! |
:) |
Jaxon is feeling pretty bummed that he is not old enough for T ball. |
A trip to Mary's Peak. There were butterflies EVERYWHERE! |
We made it! We all survived Sierra's first year of school. She's done superbly academically, made some very sweet friends, and has matured in so many ways. We are so proud of her! She absolutely loved her teacher and only had a few random days of not wanting to go to school. She made it through her tonsillectomy, so many germs, sleep apnea that kept her from getting a good night's sleep for almost the whole school year. It was definitely an adjustment for all of us, but we made it together. We are all glad that summer is here. I'm looking forward to hopefully a few months of health, no rushed mornings, and time outside with the kids. I'm trying not to dwell on the fact that when school starts next year, it's going to be a whole new ballgame. 1st grade is going to be 3 hours longer for Sierra and I'm hoping the transition won't be too tumultuous.
Sierra started T ball this month. She had two games a week. She has done great! My biggest worry was how she would handle games in the heat because her little body just does not handle heat well. Her very first game was in 98 degree weather. She struggled a bit, but made it, and handled it much better than I expected. She hits left handed and can smack the ball pretty good! Jaxon wants to be able to do everything that Sierra does and it's hard for him to sit back and watch. It's funny the things you realize as a parent. I not only understand obviously things more from my parents perspective, but I kind of see things from my siblings perspectives as well. Jaxon being younger and always wanting to do things with his sister, and being hurt when he isn't included. It hurts my heart when they don't get along. And the first few weeks after school got out we had a lot of fighting. They had gotten used to being apart and Jaxon had the run of the house in the morning. They want to play together but are trying to figure that whole process out again. I'm trying to let them work some things out on their own, but there is still a lot of intervening. I'm hoping that they get it figured out before summer is over and things change when school starts again.
Next month my baby girl turns 6. It's so amazing how the years are starting to fly by. I'm hoping that summer doesn't pass by too quickly. I'm ready for some laid back days, if that's possible.....
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