Puppies are awesome. |
Meow! Face painting at a friends birthday party. |
Seriously. |
Happy 3rd birthday, Jaxon!!! |
Jess made his cake. It turned out so great! |
It tasted good too :) |
These two are at the same stage in life. A 3 year old and a puppy together = insanity. |
Oops she did it again.... |
Working on Valentines for her classmates |
The best card ever!!! |
The kids are sick again so this is how we spent Valentines Day. |
A sick day from school = picnic in the living room. |
Sierra made it through 100 days of school minus LOADS of sick days. |
He's three. That explains it all. |
Holy Moly. We are never going to be well. Kindergarten germs are evil. I'm tired of sore throats, coughs, and so much snot. We want our bed back to ourselves. We want sleep, even just a couple of FULL nights would feel like Heaven. Good grief. After seeing the ENT mid month it was determined that Sierra does indeed need her tonsils removed. We scheduled her surgery for two days before Spring Break starts. I will be honest and say that I am absolutely terrified. It's a routine surgery and very short and she gets to come home within hours but the thought of her getting wheeled away all by herself is making me lose more sleep, if that's even possible.
Jaxon turned three this month. All I can say is wow. Three is scary. Since December Jaxon has turned into a screaming, tantrum throwing, little STINKER. If he doesn't get his way he throws a fit, when he's hungry or full, tired, cold, hot or warm, you get the picture. He was really sick in December and things kind of went downhill after that. I hope it's a short phase because it is exhausting and I'm having such a hard time knowing how to handle it. I've worked so hard for the past 5 years on not being a yeller, but there are some days when I lose that battle. Yelling at him to quit yelling seems so ridiculous, and I know it, but my voice gets raised anyway. Part of the time I'm yelling at the dog to stay down, don't bite, don't eat the cat poop, don't try to eat off of the table after you've eaten the cat poop, and then pretty soon I'm just yelling at everyone. I hate it. I don't like looking back on the day and cringing, and that's what I've been doing a lot. But one of the things I've worked on since becoming a mommy is saying I'm sorry. It's never been an easy thing for me. But I want my kids to do so when they've hurt someone or done someone wrong. And the best way to teach them how to do that is to do it myself. So at the end of the day, when I'm cringing, and feeling exhausted and lost, I wrap them up in my arms and say I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I raised my voice over something silly, that I hurt their feelings, that I acted before finding out the whole story, that I didn't take the time to laugh and play. And you know what, kids are so amazing at forgiving. Now I just need to follow THEIR example on that one.
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