Sweet moments between siblings! |
We try to include Sierra in all things with Jaxon - and she is a big help! |
She's done so well in dealing with his fussing! I expected her to get upset, but she does great and even pokes a bit of fun at times:) |
Sleeping in the same position daddy does:) |
Strong boy! |
We're getting there! We may not have garage doors until our kids are grown though. They cost a pretty penny! |
My sweet angel girl! She's really getting into frilly tutu's, dresses, and play high heels. |
Our happy boy has started smiling more and more. |
More sweet moments. |
So much snow! |
You can tell she didn't enjoy it at all. |
Weeeeeeeeeee! |
Smiles for daddy. |
Growing so fast! |
VERY happy to try on her Easter dress. |
She decided she needed this umbrella as an accessory. |
Racing with daddy. |

Did my confidence as a mommy of two remain when Jesse went back to work? Nope. It pretty much walked out of the door when he headed back to work. I will admit it was not as terrifying as when he went back to work after Sierra was born. But all of a sudden there are just not enough hands. Nap and lunch time are the hardest right now. It seemed like Jaxon slept all the time when Jess was home, and when he went back to work he started being awake sooo much more. He expects to be held and when there were two of us home, one of us was always able to hold him. When it's just me, he has to be set down when I have to help Sierra go potty, make her lunch, get her ready for her nap, etc. And it's just not possible that they could take a nap at the same time right? Jaxon fusses while I put Sierra down and is generally awake until about 5 minutes before she wakes up. I'm trying to be a glass half full person and say well, I get some quality alone time with both of them that way, but the glass half empty part of me is screaming WHAT ABOUT ME? Mama needs a few minutes to at least take a shower.
My sleep schedule is pretty difficult right now. Jaxon tends to go down very late (sometimes not until midnight) and usually wakes around 3 and then again around 5 or 6. After I nurse him at 5 he generally will go back to sleep until around 8 or so. If I only I could sleep until 8 too! Sierra is generally up by 5:30 and raring to go. Many nights I'm only getting about 3 hours of sleep. This shall pass I know, and I WILL survive, but getting to that point is a struggle.
Sierra still impresses me on a daily basis with her ability to adapt to this new world. Sometimes I feel like she has adapted better than I have. It's still a relatively new experience though and it will be interesting to see if her attitude changes after more time has passed. For right now she is good about being quiet when he is asleep, might protest if I can't play while I'm feeding Jaxon, but never takes it out on him. She loves to hug and kiss him and wants to make sure that he comes with us wherever we go. Thank goodness for baby carriers! It's amazing how helpful a 2.5 year old can be too! She can bring me a diaper, burp cloth, blanket, the phone while I'm nursing, etc. We really try to include her in things like bathing and diaper changing. It makes her feel like a big girl and not left out.
Jaxon weighed exactly 10 lbs at his 3 week Dr.'s appointment. At 5 weeks he started smiling and hasn't stopped since. He smiles freely for just about anyone. I'd write more but my brain is slow and I don't have much time. I sure hope I can keep up with these blog entries because I think Sierra and Jaxon will enjoy reading them some day!
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