Wednesday, August 4, 2010

11 months

Creating a masterpiece

A play date with Beatrice

This is a hug/Sierra's choke hold

Mom, can't we please go outside?

Daddy leveled out an area for a swing set!

Sierra got in on a little tractor time before bed

In GG's garden

Picking rasberries

Her first ever daisy chain lasted about 2 seconds

Zoey always follows close behind

Not sure what this face is all about

Bet you can't catch me mom!

Proud daddy

One hand on the wheel

Picking peas in the garden

Eating peas in the garden (she won't eat baby food peas or frozen peas,
but she'll gobble them up straight from the garden)

The beginning phase of our garden

A girl's gotta have a purse!

Her new best friend, blanky

Awww, daddy luvs

I love this picture!  It makes me smile no matter what:)

Who needs a kiddy pool?

Zoo trip.  Big Elephants!

This one she could ride

Her first taste of a snow cone and her favorite part of the trip


A trip through the mister with Auntie

Happy girl

Whew, a day at the zoo is tiring!

It sure was a busy month!  It's hard to believe that my baby girl is about to turn 1.  Sierra is at an amazing stage right now.  She is learning every day and it takes my breath away.  She's such a smart, active girl that it's all I can do just to keep up with her.  We went from walking to running this month and for how tiny she is, she sure is quick - especially when she has something she's not supposed to:)  A majority of our days are spent outside and we both love it.  When she decides it's time to go out and play she asks for her hat (ha) and shoes (shhh) and walks up to the door.  Outside I mostly follow her around while she picks up sticks, rocks, cherries, and whatever else she finds on the ground (we do have a doggie so I have to watch her very closely!).  She loves berries and can eat a ridiculous amount of blackcaps, rasberries, and blueberries from the garden and she loves to pick peas.  I think having a garden is so important as children grow up.  They learn how tasty fruits and veges are and it's so great to know the things I'm feeding her aren't full of chemicals or sprays.  Yay for gardening:) 
Sierra has some new words this month: up, tickle, tickle, tickle, owie, blanky, cheese, and I know there are more but it is late and that's all I can come up with:)  She can make the sound of a cow, horse, cat, chicken, bear, bunny (hop, hop, hop) and sheep.  She can point to her hair, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, hands, tummy, and feet.  She is VERY good at letting you know exactly what she does or does not want.  She doesn't always get her way and sometimes that makes her angry but she is a very obedient girl.  Our house has definitely been baby proofed to an extent but I didn't put everything up and we have no baby gates even on the stairs.  She has learned what to touch and not touch, and it is nice that way because when we go to people's houses that aren't baby proof she generally understands what is okay and not okay to touch. 

Ever since her biopsy she has been a total mommy's girl.  She is still quite a social little creature but definitely prefers to only be held by those she knows very well.  She will play, smile, and talk to new people, but if they try to hold her it usually isn't pretty.  All very normal for an 11 month old. 
We had her first visit to the zoo this month.  She did great!  I think us adults may have had more fun than she did though!  She wanted to ride and touch all of the animals.  When we went to the petting zoo, the goats were all laying down and she didn't really want to touch them she just kept trying to swing her leg over them and ride them.  She's a little cowgirl in the making.  Overall her favorite part though happened to do with food.  She got to try a sno cone and elephant ear for the first time.  She loved them both. 

Another month has come and gone already!  I'm excited to see what next month has in store for us.

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