Queen and Princess of "butterflies, bees, roses, and hearts" |
Sierra needed a chef hat to help bake cookies! |
Happy children, even when they are sick..... |
It looks like she's getting into fortune telling, but really they are having a picnic;) |
So.much.dress.up. |
Going through the Pastega light show at the Fairgrounds! |
The kids loved it so much that we went through 3 times! (Jaxon looks thrilled doesn't he) |
November was a busy month! Jesse has been going to school an evening a week since October 1st, taking a class to prep for getting his maintenance electrical license from the state, he spent several days elk hunting, and the kids were sick. Fun times! I was worn out and took two days away mid-month to go meet my new beautiful niece, Florence (Kevin and Helen's little girl was born 11/12/13). The kids did great with Jess, I got to snuggle a new baby without having sore boobies and a complete lack of sleep, do some shopping, and visit with my family. Yay!
It's hard to believe that a year ago Jesse was in the hospital for seven days battling a micro perforation in his colon and a terrible infection. Even though this was a trying month it was NOTHING compared to a year ago. Thank you Jesus.
The kids are growing up so fast! Jaxon's two year molars are coming in, he recognizes numbers 1 - 9 as well as all his letters, sings twinkle twinkle and row your boat, and started repeating words like crazy at the end of the month. He uses small sentences, "No I not!" "Bye Bye Sissy." "I love you." etc. I'm amazed at how clear the words are that he repeats and has never used before! He has his r's down very well and his s's too. Both of those are things that we had to work on with Sierra, but she started talking much earlier. Two words that he uses that sound nothing like the word they are supposed to are Blanky (bees) and Milk (I can't even describe how he says this one).
Sierra is going through a real frustrating time with Jaxon right now. Everything he does makes her mad some days ("Mommy he ruins everything!"), and she wants to only play with one person at a time and if someone else walks into the room she wants them to get out. We are working on playing together as a whole family and trying to teach her the more the merrier. OK, it might not ALWAYS be merrier, but we're trying to make it fun. She's been very emotional and sensitive. She worries about people laughing at her and will whisper things in my ear so nobody else will hear and laugh. I try to explain that a lot of times that people laugh when they like something and are having fun, but she remains very worried about it. A new level of self awareness I suppose. It's heartbreaking to see though. She still isn't shy by any means but does get embarrassed easily. It sure is interesting to see the different stages the kids are in! Some that Jaxon goes through I clearly remember Sierra going though, other stages are brand new to me. They keep me on my toes! And for the most part, I wouldn't have it any other way! ;)