Amy treated me to a pedicure for my birthday and Sierra had her nails done! She loved it! |
Sierra is a true Oregonian! |
Jaxon did not like his coat, his boots, or the rain. I think he's more like his mama and prefers the sunshine! |
One of the longest thunder storms I can ever remember! Sierra used her "noculars" to look for lightening strikes. |
I.Love.Summer. |
The kids (and zoey) playing in daddies mustang. |
Jaxy did not want to get out! |
Working on letters! |
Happy boy! |
The rain is here. I'm not ready. I'm never ready. Jaxon isn't a fan of the rain either.... or his boots or his puffy coat. Sierra on the other hand, loves puddles and boots and mud. She was made for Oregon, I guess. With the rains came our first colds too. Another reason I'm not ready for fall. I'm still trying to get over the panic attacks that come with sickness in this family. I'm finally starting to feel secure, that Jesse will stay healthy, and like sickness isn't a part of our everyday life. But every time one of the kids starts to get sick, I still really have to fight the panic.
Jaxon had a well baby appointment at the beginning of the month and he weighs 26 pounds and is 32.5 inches long. He's in the 50th percentile for weight and 97th for height. The Dr's were super happy about his increase on the charts for his weight. He's grown 2.5 inches in 3 months too - it's no wonder all of his clothers are too short all of a sudden! He's getting to be such a big boy! He had his first #2 on the potty this month, sings EIEIO!, says ouch if he gets hurt, calls all cats Olive, because that's one of our kitties' names, and is really starting to get interested in learning his letters! He love to watch me draw shapes, letters, and animals. He says horse, cow, cat, dog, elephant, bird, sheep, and mouse. He makes the appropriate noises for each as well. I think Sierra was around 11 months when she started doing all of this, they both have such different strengths! He also finally started calling me mama this month! I've been waiting forever! He says dada, sissy, papa, pop pop, and GG, but didn't say mama! I'm loving to finally here him call for me.
We still struggle with food and did discover this month that the terrible bum rash he has been getting is from wheat. I had a multigrain cereal that I would mix with appleasauce and when I used the one with wheat in it, he would get the worst rash on his little biscuits. Once I figured out what was causing it and eliminated the cereal we havne't had any problems. He still does get hives easily though and has really sensitive skin. I'm hoping he will outgrow that or we can figure out other things to avoid.
Sierra has been working on writing and numbers. She doesn't like to follow directions. If I get a packet of craft projects, she does not want to follow the steps, she wants to make her very own craft. When we work in her workbooks, she follows the directions, but can't wait until she's done so she can go back through and make up her own directions. When we make cookies, she doesn't want to follow the recipe, she wants to mix her own bowl of random ingredients. It's hard because I want to encourage her imagination and creativeness, but the girl has got to be able to follow directions when she starts school next year! Next year! I think she will love school because she thrives on interaction with others, but I'm not sure if she'll be able to stop talking long enough to listen.....:) We shall see!