Tuesday, December 7, 2010

15 Months

Yay all of a sudden I figured out how to upload videos to my blog:) 

I'll try to post some more videos later.  They take FOREVER to upload!

Happy girl!
 A slight mishap with mommies makeup.  She looks like she got into trouble
but she really didn't.  I usually let her play with it while I am putting it on.  She was just
doing what she sees me do.  I did remove this particular item from my makeup bag though:)
Our sweet little moo cow
 She loved her costume and also loves her blanky
 We took her trick-or-treating in downtown Corvallis.  The
three of us had a great time. 
Enjoying a juicy fall apple right off of the tree
My little bird watcher
Sierra giggling after a kiss from zoey
 Pretty excited about her first snow!
 Looking for a bird in the sky....
The snow makes everything look so pretty and clean:)
This is how my floors stay clean
I did not set this picture up, she climbed in there all by herself!
 Running through the halls of the courthouse while visiting daddy for lunch

What a grown up girl I have!  Sierra's vocabulary has really taken off.  She no longer just points at objects, she says exactly what it is.  There are still plenty of baby conversations that she has, usually with herself.  I listen intently and smile knowing that all too soon that sweet baby talk will only be a memory of the past.  It's pretty great that she can communicate so well.  If something is frustrating her, or hurts, or she needs something, she does a great job of telling me.  There are still times I still don't know exactly what she is saying and so she resorts to hand gestures or grabs me by the hand and pulls me to show me what she needs my help with.  It's scary sometimes to think of fast she seems to be growing up right now.  But it's also exciting and makes me very very proud. 

She continues to absolutely love music and books.  My parents found an old Anne Murray tape that was played to us kids as children and though Sierra usually prefers my singing voice over the radio (I know I should be flattered but there are times after singing a song for the billionth time that I wish she loved the radio as much).  But Sierra has really taken to the tape and sings along to Hey Daddy There's a Hippo in the Bath Tub or Sierra's version of a verse of the song "Daddy Dagon, Mama, Oppi in the bath oh no all gone."  She loves to dance and I only pray that she gets better dance skills than her father and I!  She is very close to being able to completely sing the abc's as well.  She gets about 3/4 of the letters correct.

We're also going through a stuffed animal phase at the moment.  She has sooo many (a lot of them are actually my old bears that mom saved) and loves to carry them around.  Every couple of weeks or so she will decided on a favorite and it goes everywhere with her until she moves onto the next.  She has become quite a social little creature.  We've been going to church again since she gave up her morning nap and she loves to see all the people at church.  She will let others hold her and loves to start a game of chasey chase with anyone that is willing.  We have a Doctor's appointment coming up and I'm hoping that doesn't bring up old fears and make her scared of everyone again.

We still battle tummy issues and continue to look for answers.  We may do some allergy testing to see if she is allergic to something that causes the pain and digestive problems.  I've been tested for sooooo many things in my adult lifetime and have yet to find answers for my stomach problems, but I really hope that we can find a solution for her.  I would hate for her to have to suffer with these chronic issues for her lifetime.

On a happier note, we're one month closer to Christmas!  Sierra LOVES deer and is enjoying the reindeer decorations all over the stores.  This is going to be such a fun Christmas!